Family time

Last week was Little K’s 2nd birthday and the grandparents flew over from the UK for a week. It’s been really nice as I’ve been off so can spend some time with them too. I’m really lucky to have an Austrian family that is nearby who visits K a lot, but as most of the “expat” mummies know - sometimes you can’t beat having your own family here.

Waiting for the Ubahn with Grandma and Granddad

We spent a lot of time playing at home and K has enjoyed being the centre of attention! The “choo choo” and autos have become new favourite toys. It has been great watching him with them and learning new and fun ways to play with his toys. I find it fascinating how quickly he catches onto an idea and still plays that way the next day.

Mum and I got to visit the Mini Markt on Friday and got some good ideas for Bubbles’ outfit for a wedding this summer. Then on Saturday we had birthday pizza with the Husband’s parents at Da Capo. The little birthday boy got spoiled with new toys and a scooter (ready to practice when spring might eventually come...)

Sunday was the VFN Fleamarket and it was my first time organising the event. It was a big success and we have some fun ideas for the next one on 30 September! Monday was rest and recovery and then Tuesday was final fun adventure - first visit to the Mini Mobil in the Technical Museum.

This is a great place to come with a toddler! We arrived around 15:00 and it wasn’t so busy. There is a fun bobby car track, a boat, an airplane, crawl and play area... but the biggest hit was the police car in which he could climb in and drive (Little K adores sitting in cars!).
After hearing his excitement as we took off his shoes with an “Auto! Auto!” squeal, I knew we came to the right place. After about an hour of playing we went downstairs to look at the big choo choos. Unfortunately there was only one small one you could go into which was a bit disappointing. There is a lot of space to run around which was nice though. Next time we will visit Das Mini where the kids can get more interactive with the exhibits and see what we can do there.

Now it’s time to enjoy the last evening together before we see them again in May - when Bubbles will be there too!

Testing the bobby car track at Mini Mobil

Lots of pram parking at the museum and place to put your shoes at the entrance of Mini Mobil

Testing out the steering of the Smart police car

Small snack area at Mini Mobil - I had the Latte Choco for 2EUR which was nice, there was even some options with lactose free milk. There are a few high chairs available there as well. On the 1st floor there is a bigger cafe with food.

Experienced flyer enjoyed sitting in an airplane again

Downstairs on the 1st floor testing out the steering of a big choo choo


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