First post on official documentation needs in Austria (disclaimer: actually Vienna, WGKK and only relevant at the time of posting as never know when things could change!)
What is “Wochengeld”? To ease the financial burden that you may not work 8 weeks before and 8-12 weeks after due date (depending on c-section / multiple births), the Krankenkasse (in my case WGKK) compensates your income. This is capped at a certain amount and is based on the netto salary from the previous 3 months.
There are three documents that you need to have to receive this money.
1. Confirmation of due date -
it can either be page 13 of your Mutter-Kind-Pass, a blue slip which is in triplicate that you receive from your doctor or the signed reverse page of the Arbeits-und Entgeldsbestätigung.
The white paper you receive at the start of your check ups is only a pre-confirmation for your employer. I just had my 4th Mutter-Kind checkup and asked the receptionist to give it to me.
2. Arbeits-und Entgeldbestätigung (employment and salary confirmation from employer) - ask your HR / Payroll for them to complete this form. They might send it to WGKK directly, but I like having it on file just in case and also took the copy with me when I dropped off all forms.
3. Bank details - they might/might not have it... As above, best to give it to them again to be sure they have all the correct details.
Once you have all that, just go to the WGKK Kundenzentrum responsible for your district - I'm in the 3rd so need to go to the one at Gasometer. Last time I went to the one on Mariahilferstrasse and they were still nice enough to take my documents but did say that I should go to Gasometer next time. They will take your papers, stamp everything and that is it! Someone else can also take the papers in on your behalf as you didn't need show e-card or ID.
Now all you need to do is wait for the paper to confirm the daily amount that you will receive. This will then be automatically paid into your account every four weeks.
If you have any detailed questions about this (e.g. how does it work if still on Karenz / unemployment / self-employed etc... please contact your Krankenkasse or the Arbeiterkammer as I can only share my experience with being employed).
Remember, after birth you need to send a confirmation of the birth and C-section (if applicable) to the Krankenkasse to ensure that you keep receiving this after delivery date. They are happy for you to send this paper in the mail (making sure your insurance number and telephone number are on the paper) but if you are up to it, you can also take it in.
P.s. Want to calculate your Wochengeld? Follow this formula:
There are three documents that you need to have to receive this money.
1. Confirmation of due date -

The white paper you receive at the start of your check ups is only a pre-confirmation for your employer. I just had my 4th Mutter-Kind checkup and asked the receptionist to give it to me.
2. Arbeits-und Entgeldbestätigung (employment and salary confirmation from employer) - ask your HR / Payroll for them to complete this form. They might send it to WGKK directly, but I like having it on file just in case and also took the copy with me when I dropped off all forms.
3. Bank details - they might/might not have it... As above, best to give it to them again to be sure they have all the correct details.
Once you have all that, just go to the WGKK Kundenzentrum responsible for your district - I'm in the 3rd so need to go to the one at Gasometer. Last time I went to the one on Mariahilferstrasse and they were still nice enough to take my documents but did say that I should go to Gasometer next time. They will take your papers, stamp everything and that is it! Someone else can also take the papers in on your behalf as you didn't need show e-card or ID.
Now all you need to do is wait for the paper to confirm the daily amount that you will receive. This will then be automatically paid into your account every four weeks.
If you have any detailed questions about this (e.g. how does it work if still on Karenz / unemployment / self-employed etc... please contact your Krankenkasse or the Arbeiterkammer as I can only share my experience with being employed).
Remember, after birth you need to send a confirmation of the birth and C-section (if applicable) to the Krankenkasse to ensure that you keep receiving this after delivery date. They are happy for you to send this paper in the mail (making sure your insurance number and telephone number are on the paper) but if you are up to it, you can also take it in.
P.s. Want to calculate your Wochengeld? Follow this formula:
- Netto income from the last three months before Muterschutz
- Add 17% for additional payments (i.e. 13/14 salary)
- Divide by the number of calendar days in the last three months
- Equals your daily Wochengeld entitlement
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