Audrey and Rachael discover Vienna - one coffee at a time / 1020 Wien

Audrey and I met in our first baby group where Baby C and Baby K enjoyed Monday morning playdates and Tuesday morning music class together, while the mummies also got to know each other. Two kids on, we rediscovered our friendship and love for good coffee (Thanks to stalking our comments on the Facebook page Women of Vienna).

One sunny morning after kindergarten drop off, we met at a coffee place that A recommended and after having a few more coffees in the area, I came up with the great idea that we should do this across all districts and share our story. Today was our first meeting and it starts in the 2nd district!

So, here we go - please join us as we take Baby A and Baby M through Vienna and discover some new places!

1020 Wien -
start: 11:30 at cafe Zweisam 
coffee break: 13:45 at Balthasar Kaffee Bar
shoe pick up: 14:30 at Figar Bao.bun
end: 15:00 Wien Mitte (technically in the 3rd but we had a nice walk there from the 2nd)

Topics of conversation:
  • VFN Flea market wrap up
  • Dressing kids for change of season
  • Baby snacks to take on a plane to Canada
  • Nappies and the difference between them (one has a yellow line)
  • Big babies
  • Life with two kids
  • Two kids sleeping in the same room and in the same bath tub is a major accomplishment! 
  • How it’s easy to meet new people with VFN
  • Talking to people you meet many times - and finally exchanging phone numbers
  • Sleep issue (baby and mama)
  • Dealing / tolerating people at work
Quote of the afternoon:
  • "Even after one kid, you'll never get it right!" - in reference to figuring out how to dress our kids appropriately.
Cafe Zweisam came up in a forum when someone was asking for places to work near Praterstern and it looked lovely when I checked out their Facebook page. After dropping of Little K at kindergarten, I was meeting with Nikki Harris, who has her studio in the 2nd, so she could test out her new makeup skills and she was looking for some models to practice on. It is always a treat to meet with her and chat as she has such a lovely spirit that is calming and has a passion about what she does and keeps developing it. I'm looking forward to learning more makeup tips next time! 
Being in the area, it seemed like a good place to begin. The place was lovely, I stood outside a bit confused as according to Google maps it was around the corner but actually I was standing right outside. The place was empty so I could sit at the lovely big sofas in the back and park Baby M who was enjoying a power nap. A and A then showed up and we ordered big homemade lemonades and some food. They also were flexible enough to give Baby A some bread and cucumber to nibble on. 
After we were finished eating, we were asked if we like the food and turned out he was the owner / chef! He was so friendly and we really enjoyed our lunch and are looking forward to visiting again. At the end, Baby M was sleepy and cranky and they turned down the music in case that was annoying him - nope... best to keep that volume up to drown out the noise!

Baby / Child friendly review for Cafe Zweisam:
  • Space for prams - yes
  • High chair - yes! 
  • Changing table - yes (and we told them to install one in the men's as well)
  • Can tolerate babyledweaning mess - yes!!!
Lovely food and drinks

See, lots of mess and we were not kicked out!

Changing table with lots of space

Balthasar Kaffee Bar
is one our regular places to go for a coffee when the Husband and I have some time off together. The outdoor and indoor seating is nice and the coffee is great too. We are big fans of their sandwiches, but today I got to enjoy one of their Schwedische Knöpfe. There is a regular menu and some specials but as A said "I just want a normal coffee" which for us means a flat white = nice and strong!

Baby / Child friendly review for Balthasar Kaffee Bar:
  • Space for prams - yes
  • High chair - no
  • Changing table - no
  • Can tolerate babyledweaning mess - not tested, but probably...
Coffee... just give me a coffee!


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